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CAST Professional Development Questionnaire
on Universal Design for Learning


Welcome to the CAST Professional Development Questionnaire on Universal Design for Learning. We hope you find this anonymous questionnaire helpful. This questionnaire is a learning tool, not an assessment. Instead of a rating you will receive feedback after each question with suggestions on how you can become more proficient in your application of UDL. © CAST, Inc., 2014
For the first two questions, think about the specific lesson you are teaching today.
1. If you polled your students on whether they could articulate the overall goal of the present lesson: *This question is required.
Feedback Question 1
The primary purpose behind students articulating the goal of the lesson is ownership and learning. When students can articulate what they are doing, they have a greater connection to the responsibility of participating. "I don't know" is passive and unresponsive. As educators, we always want our student to be able to clearly articulate the purpose behind what is being taught. Also, students should be invited to articulate the goal in whatever way works best for them. This could be verbal recitation, but it could also be pictures, pantomime, music, or any other way they choose. Regardless, all of your students should always be able to articulate the overall goal of the lesson.
Feedback Question 1
Congratulations that all of your students can articulate the overall goal! The next question is how do they articulate it? Do they experience a variety of options? When they articulate it, are they connecting that to the purpose of the lesson?
2. If you polled your students asking them to state their personal learning objectives for the lesson: *This question is required.
Feedback Question 2
Congratulations! All of your students can articulate their personal learning objectives using SMART (Specific, Measurable, Acceptable to them, Realistic to achieve, and Timebound
with a deadline) objectives. Do you see that your students are empowered by knowing their personal learning objectives?
Feedback Question 2
Personal learning objectives describe what the learner will be able to do as a result of learning activities/methods/strategies. Essentially, the student individualizes the goal of the lesson. Through this practice, students become versed in creating Specific, Measurable, Acceptable to them, Realistic to achieve and Timebound with a deadline (SMART) objectives. This is a 21st Century skill and required in much of today's work force. That is why it is extremely important that each student understand his or her personal learning objective.